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Spiritual Apprentice




1 Year


About the Course

The Spiritual Apprentice program is your gateway to the spiritual world. It is targetted for the one who do not have any prior expreince and looking for a structured way to get into spirituality.

This program focusses on buliding a strong foundation that is a necessary first step to make meaningful progress. As this is a subset of our flagship Spiritual Transformation, the program helps you make lifestyle changes to enable to the transformation to happen.

Areas of Focus

  • Introduction to the spiritual paths

  • Mental health

  • Physical health

  • Meditation

  • Mindfulness

Expected outcome

A liefstyle with daily habits to help you decide the future path. You will be able to decide to continue pursuing deeper understanding, make use of the powers in material work, enjoy a healthy body and mind!


  • Makes you a better person

  • Prepares you to find a Spiritual Guru

  • Improved consciousness

  • Improved concentration

  • Discicplne through daily routine

  • Strong mind to keep stress, anxiety and depression far from you

  • Awareness and understanding of various spiritual paths

Your Instructor

Vikas Arya
Vikas Arya

Vikas Arya is a motivational and spiritual speaker. His life is dedicated to serving the human kind and bringing positive changes to people’s lives. He leads many groups on Spirituality, Positive Thoughts and Law of Attraction in United States, India, and Canada. He also runs a nonprofit organization, The-Circle Org, which is a community of people who care. Vikas also hosts a podcast, "The Spiritual Circle Podcast" to partner in your spiritual growth.

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